From the folks that brought us the ircDDB network, we hear from Hans-Jürgen Barthen, DL5DI, that there is now a gateway between D-STAR (DCS Gateways) and Hytera DMR Repeaters using the AMBEServer with either the DV3000 or ThumbDV™. This gateway is in use at a handful of DMR repeaters in Germany and Austria with systems soon to be implemented in Sweden and Switzerland.
You can download executables for the gateway and combine with the AMBEServer to create your own gateway. The software does D-STAR callsign to DMR radio ID mapping and transports audio between networks using the Hytera API.
Another step toward Universal Digital Radio from the community of amateur radio developers using products from NW Digital Radio.
AmateurLogic 77: SkyPi-40, ThumbDV, Grid Square GPS
George builds the SkyPi-40 QRP transmitter for RaspberryPi and sets a distance record. Tommy installs the new ThumbDV D-Star dongle. Peter creates the VK3PB Sota Box, a Grid Square GPS unit. Plus your viewer emails and more.
Yes, Also been implemented here, in the UK on Hytera repeaters - I believe GB7FC; GB7RR and GB7SN.
just finished a QSO with someone on UK reflector 4400 through my local
repeater GB7SN - quite strange to hear someone using an Icom D-Star
handheld talking to his local D-Star repeater linked to DMR. Not quite
100% yet but still intelligible.
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